dax6.txt HYPNOSEX - THE CONTINUING ADVENTURE Would his mind ever quit gravitating to thoughts of gut-twisting climaxes, beautiful bodies and the dizzying aroma of sex. Dax sat thinking of the excitement associated with some of his recent adventures with hypnosis and sex. He had used hypnosis on his lovely wife Mary on several occasions in scenarios ranging from a massage by a hunk of a man to actually fucking he and a friend at the same time. Their sex had never been so good. He wasn't sure whether Mary would ever have broken fear's icy grip had he not used hypnosis, but he was glad that she did. Now she was free to experiment with her own sexuality without concern for traditional guilt or jealousy. Dax did have to deal with his own guilt however. He developed the usual arguments about allowing his wife to be promiscuous. They included reputation, children, jealousy and relationship. He felt quite confident that, as long as they were discrete, neither his nor Mary's reputation would suffer. Their children were all but grown now. Both daughters were away at college. On the topic of jealousy, they had seen too many of their friends break up or divorce because they were jealous of another person. He was confident that no man or woman could challenge their emotional commitments. If that were possible, they shouldn't be together in the first place. Before Dax ever committed to involve himself in the lifestyle of sexual freedom, he searched his heart. If Mary never had a sexy thought about another man, she probably wouldn't be normal. Should he allow himself to be jealous of that? Did he want Mary to become enraged if he wanted another woman? Virtually every man he knew strayed from time to time. When it was done with deception it was always negative and sometimes resulted in broken relationships. Had they not been broad-minded enough, he was sure that they would have lost one another long ago. It would have been a terrible waste, because in all other matters they were the best of friends and excellent partners in life. Guilt and jealous, as a result, were not valid issues. Their life had been vastly enhanced with no danger of deception ruining their relationship. Dax's mind began to work on sharing these principals with others with two motives in mind. The first motive was, quite naturally, to locate other individuals that turned him on. The next was to promote the use of hypnosis in sex and the lifestyle of sexual freedom. The day didn't go by that he didn't sign on to the computer bulletin board service. They had a great x-rated section that permitted him to chat with others about sex anonymously. Obviously, most of the people that he chatted with were women. They would share their sexual fantasies with him and he with them. Dax had also left public messages on the system suggesting that if anyone cared to discuss a swinging lifestyle or hypnosis in the bed room that they should feel free to contact him. One day after logging on to the system, he heard his computer beep. This was accompanied by a message indicating that Don wanted to chat with him. Dax responded to the page and welcomed the caller. Don, a computer communicator from Western Illinois, inquired whether or not Dax was serious about the use of hypnosis in the bed room. Dax indicated that he was and explained some of the uses of hypnosis to improve sexual relationships. Excitement was evident in Don's responses. Dax asked whether Don and his lady had ever experimented with other persons outside of their relationship. Don indicated that he had not, but would not be opposed if Donna would consent. He went on to say that she would likely not be interested, but that he would discuss the topic with her. Dax suggested that Don allow Donna to read one of the stories that he wrote on the topic. If she demonstrated any interest, they could pursue the matter further. Don thanked Dax for his information, indicated that the conversation had really turned him on and assured Dax that he would get back to him. A few days went by and Dax heard nothing further from Don. Then one day as Dax was jumping around the bulletin board system he was again paged. He responded to the page and found Don waiting to continue the previous conversation. Don indicated that he had offered Dax's article to Donna and that she had found it very interesting. Additionally he and Donna had discussed the topic of "hypnosex" at length, became very aroused at the many doors that this would open for them and fucked each other's brains out afterward. Dax got a smile on his face as his mind turned to moments gone by. He had similar experiences and could identify with the other couple. Don asked Dax if he would ever be willing to travel to Illinois to put on a demonstration of hypnosis. As he heard this request, he could feel the warmth begin to develop in his pants. Dax's cock began to grow thinking about the prospect of teaching yet others to reach the heights that he and Mary did. He indicated that it was possible that he could take a long weekend and visit with them. Dax also told Don that there would be no obligation to continue to pursue such avenues if after they met him they did not feel comfortable. Don told Dax that he would leave some electronic mail for him explaining how to reach Don's house and other incidentals. They bid each other good bye and signed off the system. Dax was an accomplished hypnotist. He had been using hypnosis clinically for years helping police departments interview witnesses for recall of events. He had never had the occasion to use hypnosis on anyone other than Mary for purposes of improved sex. This was indeed exciting. He would be able to teach Donna how to improve and intensify her climaxes. He would be able to teach her mind how to fly to a secluded beach with her lover, shape her lover into any person she wanted and have the best sex she had ever known. Don would also benefit by the same abilities. He could stay harder longer, turn Donna into anyone he wanted to, be more responsive to his partner's needs and generally enjoy all of his adventures much better. His cock was hard just thinking of all of the possibilities. The date was set. Dax had arranged for an extended weekend. He would go to Chicago to attend a trade show for his business and then scurry over to Western Illinois. As he drove, his thoughts turned to his own sexuality and many of the experiences he had over the years. He was getting a little older, but was pleased that he had stayed in shape. As he hit the Indiana line a smile appeared on his face. He was remembering several of his friends and his children teasing him about how much he resembled Indiana Jones. It wasn't only his appearance; he even acted like him from time to time. The road continued to disappear under the hood of his car as his mind turned to many of the hot times he had experienced. His Chicago trip was basically routine. He pulled out of the Holiday Inn Merchandise Mart and began moving westward. He snapped in a cassette that responded with soft tunes designed to invite thought. Invite it they did. Dax's mind again returned to visions of previous hot moments; Mary's unbridled excitement the first time she thought she was being touched by another man. Of course this was Dax, but Mary's mind and body reacted as if it were another man. New hands on her heavy breasts, a strange penis poised at the lips of her quivering pussy, a sharp, warm tongue pressed against her tight buttocks were the moments that traveled through Dax's mind. He was becoming so rigid that he thought his zipper would burst. Then there was the time that Mary had actually touched another man for the first time. Dax could see this as sure as if it were happening here, in the car, before his very eyes. The miles clicked by on the odometer as visions of hot, sweet encounters danced through his memory. The message and directions that Dax had received from Don suggested that they meet at the lounge of a local hotel at eight in the evening. Dax didn't have a problem with that. These people didn't know him and would obviously be skeptical. What if Dax were a gargoyle type with warts on his nose and rolls of fat hanging from a copious frame? It was only prudent for them to want to meet Dax in a neutral location so they could excuse themselves if they were uncomfortable with him. Dax checked into the hotel, got settled, cleaned up and headed for the restaurant to get a bite to eat. Dining alone was an interesting experience. You don't usually get bogged down in a conversation that distracts you, so you can often analyze people a little better. You eat at your leisure, scan the room for interesting people, and enjoy an uncommon solace. Dax was convinced that his libido was in rare form as his eyes locked on to a waitress with an usually great-looking ass. As she moved across the room her buttocks rolled with such grace that Dax could feel himself stiffen. Her uniform was cut in such a way that her small but well-shaped breasts danced nicely. He memorized her curves and her pretty face so that he might use autohypnosis at a later date to make love with her. Dinner being history, Dax lit a cigarette and sipped on his after-dinner drink. He continued to evaluate the inhabitants of the room. Now wouldn't it be great if that couple sitting at the table next to the aquarium were Don and Donna. The lady had beautiful brown hair, sparkling brown eyes, about 5'5" tall, with a very lovely shape. She appeared to be blessed with full breasts that seemed to be about a 34 C. She had the loveliest smile and winning manner. They were enjoying their dinner and one another. Dax was incredulous when he thought about all of the couples that seemed to be in competition with one another as opposed to being partners and friends. This couple seemed to be the type that would not let jealousy get in the way of their friendship. Dax could see their genuine laughter tickle through the room from time to time. They looked at one another with respect, and Dax liked that. Dax paid the check and got up from the table. As he began walking away from the table his foot caught one leg of the chair next to him and over it went. Nothing like being embarrassed to tears as the room came to a silent halt. Putting on his red face, he smiled at the couple next to the aquarium and exited the room. The lounge, called "The Hound," was an interesting place. It resembled a victorian scene. There were old British gas lights throughout the room providing the only lighting. The floor was made to resemble cobblestones, and there was piped in hansom cab and other street sounds. He expected Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson to come through the door at any minute. He walked over to a rough hewn table and pulled out one of the heavy wooden chairs to sit down. This decor was wonderful. The walls were graced with two mounted deer heads and one huge moose head. In another corner was a suit of armor complete with shield and sword. Old pottery and pewter tableware accented the room. While glancing around the room, he was startled by someone standing next to him. He gave a slight jump in response to Bridgit's request to assist him. What a great looking waitress. She was dressed in the costume of an english barmaid. He bodice was very low cut and her cleavage seemed to speak to him. He had difficulty removing his eyes from her breasts to answer her. When he finally did look up he saw that Bridgit was also possessed of an absolutely beautiful face with slightly overlapping front teeth. She smiled and again requested his order handing him what appeared to be a british five pound note. She also told him that the specials were on the reverse of what appeared to be english currency. He ordered a tall rum and coke. As Bridgit walked away, Dax's eyes were glued to her lovely buttocks as they swayed playfully toward the bar. He watcher her as she placed the drink on a tray and returned to his table. As she bent over to set a napkin in front of him Dax's eyes were again treated to a cock-wrenching view of her ample breasts. Once again she bent over and placed his drink in front of him. Dax said, "Good god almighty, if you continue to serve drinks to me like that, I'll be ordering one every minute." Bridgit grinned at him and told him that it was early and that it would be best if he paced himself. "Only if you promise that one day before I die you will fall passionately in love with me and let me drink a small cup of your bath water," Dax teased. The lovely waitress again chuckled and bounced away from the table. Dax was enamored by Bridgit to say the least. She made him want to ask the one about, what's a nice girl like you etc. Dax was thinking that it was rather slow in the lounge as he heard the sound of what appeared to be Big Ben sounding seven o'clock. Just another hour to kill, thought Dax. He wanted to gulp his drink just so Bridgit would return with another. Ten minutes went by, and he could feel the lovely waitress sneaking peeks at him from time to time. He wasn't peeking; he was staring, and Bridgit didn't seem to mind. She returned to his table and asked if there was anything that she could do for him. She quickly caught what she had said and stumbled with the words, "well you know what I mean." "Unfortunately, young lady, I do. However, I would like another drink if you wouldn't mind," Dax responded. She again smiled and danced off to acquire another rum and coke. She returned more quickly this time as the bartender wasn't very busy. Once again her lovely globes bounced in front of Dax's eyes. This time he was not quite so obvious in his appreciation. He thought it would be better to be cool and collected and not seem too anxious. Bridgit stood and talked with him for a while about the obvious interests before she was called away to another table. Dax had learned that she was twenty-nine years of age. She had a four year old daughter. She had returned to school in an effort to get her degree in computer science, and she had only been working here for about three days. Bridgit had recently broken up with her boyfriend, but she really didn't care to discuss that in any detail. Dax felt comfortable that she had some interest in him. He indicated that he was married and filled her in on the other usual details. Dax's lovely waitress returned several times and offered him a smile every time their glance met. At about 7:50 the couple that was sitting next to the aquarium in the restaurant walked into the lounge. They glanced at Dax, and his discomfort returned about almost falling on his ass in front of them. They selected a table three tables over from Dax and were seated. Bridgit was soon there to take their orders. Again they demonstrated their mutual excitement and interest. Things began to perk up a little. Two other couples entered and were seated. Several single men and women came in and gravitated to the bar. When the music began to play the atmosphere was somewhat changed. No longer did Dax feel as though he were trapped in a time warp. He was a little saddened at the loss of the victorian era. Now the hard part came. There were several couples in the lounge and many singles. How in the hell would Dax be able to determine who Don and Donna were? His eyes traveled the room, hoping that someone would offer some signal. One of the new couples who had entered seemed to be making more than usual eye contact with Dax. He got up from his chair and went over to their table. He approached the man and asked if his name was Don. "No, I'm sorry, you got the wrong guy," responded the man. Christ, did he ever feel like an ass hole. Why couldn't he have agreed on a signal that they could use? He excused himself and returned to his table. No sooner did he get re-seated, the man from restaurant aquarium approached him. "You look as if you could be Dax," he said. "You have to think me a real klutz," Dax smiled as he rose to shake Don's hand. "Oh, you mean the chair in the dining room. No, don't worry about it. I slipped on my ass getting out of the car to come in here. There wasn't anyone around so I didn't feel so bad. Why don't you come over and join us," said Don. Dax gathered up his glass and followed Don over to his table. He was very pleasantly surprised that this was the couple that he would get to know. Donna was even lovelier up close. She had such a pleasant voice and demure handshake. Dax enjoyed the way she continued to hold his hand while they were being introduced. "Can you really accomplish all of the wonderful things that I read about through hypnosis Dax?" inquired Donna. "I hesitate saying 'yes' without reservation. You can do many things and do them quickly if you are a good subject. If you are not what is referred to as a somnambulist, it may take practice and the necessary time would be increase," offered Dax. Don asked, "how do you determine whether or not someone is a good subject?" Dax explained, "it is often a matter of trial and error. Some methods work better with one person than another. One thing is for sure, each of us can experience hypnosis to one degree or another. Your sexual experiences can always be improved. If you feel comfortable, after we finish our drinks, we can go to the room or to your place and experiment. If you become uncomfortable, we can stop and return for a leisurely chat." Don and Donna looked at one another, smiled and agreed to give it a shot. They indicated that they would feel more comfortable if they were to go to Dax's room. He assured them that it was fine with him, that he would pay his tab and see them in room 338 as soon as they were ready. Dax walked up to Bridgit, tapped her on the shoulder and asked for his bill. She seemed a little disappointed that he was leaving. He told her that he had a meeting and may be able to return later. She didn't respond; she merely smiled. Dax turned to walk away when he heard her say, "I hope you can make it back. We're open till 2:30." Dax smiled and exited the lounge. As he walked toward the room, he felt a shiver of excitement run through him. He hoped that both of the subjects would be deep trance subjects. He would interview them about what they hope to accomplish when they got to the room. It didn't take long for Dax to hear a knock at the door. He quickly opened the door and was faced with a couple that had a look on their face as if they were at the door of a house party. Dax immediately asked them for their coats and secured them. "Come in and make yourselves comfortable. I'm sorry I can't offer you anything to drink right now. After we talk for a little while we can have a cocktail or some wine. The interview proved interesting and gave him a good idea of what the couple hoped to accomplish. Donna indicated that she was very nervous, but added that she was raised to believe that it was sinful to wander from one's intended or chosen partner. Don was surprised to hear her say that she had had thoughts about other men just as any other woman would. She indicated that she would likely not want fear or jealousy to threaten her relationship. Dax was able to determine that her orgasms were generally standard, and she was in good physical and psychological health. She thought that it would be great to be able to fantasize about making love in another, more adventurous time. She wanted to be a girl on the Spanish Gold Coast who had been kidnaped by pirates aboard a frigate and rescued by a dashing swashbuckler who looked very much like Richard Gear. She thought that he was one of the most sexy men she had ever seen. Don was then interviewed, and Dax was satisfied that he too was sound and had normal fantasies. All of this excited Dax. He was happy that he had established a rapport with this lovely couple. Dax then said, "let's now get down to business. Donna, I am first going to show you how to relax so you can enjoy the experience." He moved a chair away from the table and placed it facing a blind corner of the room. Donna was instructed to sit in the chair and focus on a point on the wall. Dax began speaking to Donna and showed her how to relax more completely. Soon it was apparent to Dax that Donna would be a good subject. He put her into a light trance and continued to speak to her. Deeper and deeper she went. Soon she was very deeply asleep. Dax instructed her to remain in a deep trance and not to awaken until she was told to wake up. Don was simply amazed as he asked, "do you mean to tell me that she is completed hypnotized?" Dax assured him that she was. He went on to explain that he would do a few experiments to better illustrate what was happening. Dax turned to Donna and gave her a post-hypnotic suggestion that when she heard the words "the rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain" she would find herself on a desert island all alone. She would be on the beach. She could hear the gulls and the waves rolling against the shore. She would have the desire to take her clothing off and bask in the warm rays of the sun. She would be completely alone and could then do anything that she wanted. The suggestions was also give that from now on, when Dax snapped his fingers twice, she would fall into a very deep hypnotic trance. He also gave her the ability to create any dream that she wanted to. All she had to do was to envision the person she wanted to be with, where she wanted to be and what she wanted to be doing; she would then say the word "Alpha" to herself, close her eyes, and she would fall into a deep sleep for ten minutes and have the dream she fashioned. At this point Donna was woken up slowly and told that she would remember nothing of the experience. She was also told that she would feel very refreshed and rested, as well as very sexy. "Now wake up feeling wonderful," Dax urged. Donna told Dax and Don that she felt good but really didn't think that it had worked. Dax had a self assured smile on his face and indicated to the couple that this was often the case but she really was very deeply asleep. She disagreed with Dax, but did indicate that she was grateful for being taught how to so deeply relax. She hadn't felt this good in a long time. Dax asked her if she would like a demonstration of post-hypnotic suggestion. She indicated that it would interest her. "The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain," were Dax's next words. Donna got up from the chair as her eyes seemed to be focused on something far away. She kicked off her shoes as her fingers started to unbutton her blouse. Don couldn't believe his eyes. Donna was normally very modest about such things. Her thumbs hooked themselves inside of her slacks and down they came. She curled her arms up behind her back and unfasten her bra. There was a look of embarrassment and excitement on both men's faces. Don opened his mouth to speak not knowing whether he should do so. Dax looked at Don and said, "feel free to talk if you want to. She can't hear or see you." As her bra fell to the ground, she slipped her panties off and discarded them also. There she was in all of her lovely nude splendor. Her bold breasts spreading across her chest as she stretched feeling the warmth of the sun lick her body. Her buttocks were flexed tight as she stood on her tip toes trying to get closer to the sun. She let out an appreciative moan as she lowered herself to the bed. Dax and Don watched as she lay there soaking up the sun. She soon turned over to offer her backside to the warmth. Dax's cock was hard now. Not only was he very excited sexually with this vision, he was excited that he was able to share this wonder with Donna and Don. Dax explained much of what was happening to Don. Soon Donna rolled over and began to squirm. Her hands went to her breasts and the thumb and forefinger of each hand were rolling her nipples gently. She squeezed her thighs together and began moaning. Don was very excited as he told Dax that he had never seen Donna touch herself. He was amazed at how erotic it was. Donna's left hand suddenly dropped to her soft public hair and her legs opened slightly. She was searching in the folds of her pussy. Her fingers were now wet with excitement. She gently ran her slippery fingers over the lips of her swollen pussy. Don was convinced that this was likely the hottest he had ever been. He wanted to rip his clothes off and fuck her like he had never fucked her before. Dax calmed him down and advised him that there would be time for that later. The experiment should continue. Don agreed, but could not take his hand off of his rock-hard cock. Dax walked over to the bed and snapped his fingers twice. As soon as he did, Donna returned to her deep sleep. Dax instructed her that he would wake her soon. When she woke up, she would remember everything that occurred. She would remember it without embarrassment and feel very pleased with herself. Additionally when she heard the word "Beta" she would feel a mini climax and a tingling in her nipples. She was instructed to place herself under the sheets and wake up slowly. Soon Donna was awake. She simply starred at both men. "I can't believe it. It was one of the nicest dreams I ever had. It was so sexy. I didn't know I could get that turned on. Holly christ! My clothes are off. What happened to my clothes?" Donna asked. Don responded to her first, "you took them off when you were on the beach honey. It wasn't just a dream. It really happened. We saw everything. Do you feel OK?" "Yes I feel great, but I can hardly believe that I took my clothes off in front of Dax. I don't even ...." Donna began. "...Know me?" asked Dax. "No you don't, but apparently you felt comfortable enough with me to do just that. You can now do other wonderful things. Do you remember the post-hypnotic suggestion that I gave you about creating your own dreams?" She indicated that she did, and Dax urged her to try it now. Donna thought for a minute and said the word "Alpha" out loud. She soon fell into a deep sleep. Don and Dax watched what appeared to be a fitful sleep, but the looks on Donna's face were those of ecstasy and lust. They watched slight movements of her body as if she were having a wonderful sexy dream. In exactly ten minutes she woke up and sat bolt upright in the bed. She clutched the bed sheet to her breasts, but walked on her knees over to the two men. Both men had large smiles on their faces. She reached up and kissed Don. "It was absolutely wonderful honey," were her words. She offered her lips to Dax who hungrily accepted them. She have him a big kiss and said, "I don't know how to thank you Dax. These feelings are probably the best I've ever had. I am still so hot I don't know what to do with myself." Dax's cock hardened even more as Donna pressed her sheet-covered breasts against him. As she hugged him, he was offered the greatest view of her buttocks over her shoulder. Dax, trying to keep his wits about him said, "and the nice thing about it is that you can do this anytime you want. I want to show you something else Donna. 'Beta!'" Donna sank back onto the bed and let the sheet fall from her body. Her eyes rolled slightly as the small climax began to diminish. "Anytime you want to get to small nut, just say the word 'Beta,'" Dax assured her. "Now I'm going to ask you both to come back tomorrow night if you would like. I want to work with Don and teach you both how to do some other amazing things." Donna got dressed, and she and Don thanked Dax as they left the room. The clock at the side of the bed read 11:37. Dax didn't really feel tired, and he wanted to see Bridgit again, so he freshened up and headed for the lounge. The lovely waitress seemed awfully happy to see him return. She came quickly over to his table and asked him if he needed anything. This time he told her, "you'll never know, but I'll settle for another drink." Bridgit said, "I'll get you the drink, but I would like to know." She pranced away with what appeared to be an extra effort at swinging her fanny. It didn't do unnoticed by Dax. He was so aroused after having seen the experience that Donna just had that he badly wanted to make love with Bridgit. He could think of little else. Soon she returned with his drink. This time when she placed it in front of him she intentionally lingered to expose her large breasts to his gaze. He took full advantage of it and said, "please tell me that you have fallen passionately in love with me and can't live without me." "I don't know that that is the case, but I would like to spend some time getting to know you better. It's a little slow right now. Would you like me to see if I can get off a little early," she asked. "I would love that," Dax hastened. He was wondering whether or should just be straight forward and ask her to his room, or if he should offer to take her someplace for a drink or coffee. He didn't have to wonder long. She returned to say that she could leave in fifteen minutes. "Would you like to just go up to your room and we could have something sent up?" she inquired. "That would be great. What if I go up and get the drinks ordered so we won't have a wait? What do you like to drink?" Dax asked. "Scotch and water is fine. No, make is white wine. See you soon. I got the room number from the restaurant. OK, so I was a little curious," she said with a smile. Dax hurried to the room and placed the order for room service. He also ordered a sea food snack tray. The time wouldn't pass quickly enough. In a short time there was a knock at the door. He jumped to answer it. It was room service. He admitted the server, signed the check and quickly offered the tip. No sooner did he get the tray over to the table, he heard another knock at the door. His blood began to run more quickly. It was Bridgit. She was dressed in a lovely pastel sweater that paid sufficient accent to her lovely breasts and dark slacks that gratefully hugged her rounded buttocks. "Please make yourself comfortable," Dax offered. She sat at table and told Dax that he shouldn't have gone to all this trouble. He assured her it was no trouble and joined her. They enjoyed some interesting small talk as they completed the snacks. Bridgit asked Dax if he would mind if she freshened up a bit. Dax told her that his place was her place. She gave him a little kiss and moved toward the bath room. Dax was anxious to hold her in his arms. Soon he heard the water running in the bath tub. He hadn't thought that she was this serious about freshening up. Apparently she was. Well, he could wait. He poured himself another glass of wine and settled down for the wait. Soon Bridgit called his name. He approached the door and asked if she needed anything. She asked him if he would object to washing her back. The smile spread across his face as he entered the bath room. She twisted to hang up the last remnant of her clothing and Dax was treated to a view of her exciting buttocks. Naked, they were even more exciting with the deep groove separating them and the soft curls nestling within. She turned to him and came toward him, and he watched shocked and fascinated as the twin breasts swayed from side to side, making the nipples dance. With a cute smile she stepped into the tub, bringing her hot sweet flesh within inches of his throbbing cock. He couldn't take his eyes off of her as she slid into the water and urged him to join her. His clothes fell like rain. Somehow they managed to twist their limbs so that the both fit well into the tub, her legs resting neatly on his and curled around his hips. She handed him the soap and asked him to wash her. His initial attempt was on her back, but soon the temptation proved too much for him and he concentrated on her bountiful breasts, covering them in lather. She giggled as his hands massaged the firm flesh and tweaked the hard nipples. He had an overwhelming urge to suck her begging nipples, but decided that the lather would likely not be to his liking. He confined himself to running his hands over her breasts, tweaking her nipples with his thumbs, making her shudder with excitement. Her red lips were parted and she was breathing heavily while her sensuous eyes were hooded, making her look like a feline predator waiting to spring on its prey. Dax knelt up and washed her flat stomach, taking his time, tantalizing himself until he could hold back no longer. He reached down into the forest that obscured the new object of his desire. He soaped the thick fur and then, using the soap he pushed the hair aside to reveal her rosy slit. He parted the puffy lips gently and eased a finger inside her volcanic hole. Bridgit moaned out loud and laced an arm around his neck and brought his face towards hers in a deep hungry kiss. Her tongue forced itself between his lips and into his mouth. It was frantic, agile and quick as it searched for Dax's tongue. He was still sliding his finger in and out of her hot cunt while his thumb rubbed her growing clit. His other hand was still squeezing her breasts and nipples. Their embrace became more and more passionate and his cock was jerking around like a taunt fire hose. Finally they broke apart, both of them flushed with erotic desire. Bridgit stood up and stepped out of the tub grabbing a towel and wiping herself off. She pulled Dax to his feet and wiped him dry. He couldn't remember the last time someone dried him. I reminded him of his childhood, but there was nothing child-like about the raging erection which she also paid attention to. She dropped the towel to the floor as their warm, moist bodies met in a new embrace, and they kissed deeply once again. His stiff bone was pressed up against her hard belly as Dax noticed the bed which seemed to beckon to him. When they got to the bed, she again took the initiative. She pushed him back on the bed. He felt awkward as his legs dangled off the end of the bed. Her hands had found Dax's erect pole and were gently stroking it up and down. Bridgit held the hard cock upright as her lips lowered to meet it. He felt her lips close around it. His cock was getting wetter and wetter as she left a trail of warm saliva with each plunge, and his organ was jerking powerfully in the sheath of her lips. He could hear the erotic slurping noises as she eagerly and expertly swallowed his pulsating ramrod to the back of her throat. Dax's hips were responding to her rhythm by lifting to meet her attack, penetrating her more deeply. Deeper and harder she sucked. Dax knew that he would not be able to withstand much more without loosing control. Dax stopped her with a groan of passion. "Wait, wait Bridgit. I don't want it to end yet," Dax pleaded. Dax began kissing her body. He sucked on her nipples as her moans came in harmony with his efforts. He reluctantly let a nipples escape as his lips traveled down her body, kissing and licking every inch of her flesh as he slowly slid down to his target area. He could feel her hands trying to hurry his journey, but he resisted and took his time, savoring the texture and taste of her flesh. Soon he reached the forest of public hair from which rose an intoxicating aroma of pussy juices. Her legs parted and he could see the pink, puffy lips nestled in the patch of hair, glistening with arousal. His tongue plunged into the hot lava of her love volcano. He knew that she would not release her grip on him until he sucked, licked and lapped her hot cunt to explosion. With his hands firmly holding her wiggling buttocks, he furiously drove his hard tongue into her body massaging the walls of her cunt, darting from side to side and gathering up the love juices. Soon Bridgit's cunt exploded and poured its cum inside Dax's waiting mouth. He drank her womanly nectar as if he would never have the chance to do this again. She screamed as her climax broke and seemed to swallow her up. Dax didn't want her to loose all of the excitement of her climax as he swiftly mounted her, and using his fist aimed the head of his eight inch rod into her very slippery pussy, parting the puffy lips and scouring through the hot liquids until his cock was fully embedded in her. He eased his hands under her ample ass cheeks and grasped the resilient flesh, pulling her upward as he shoved his cock yet deeper into her tunnel. Her body immediately responded and the embers of her previous climax flared into life. She started to meet every thrust with an upward heave of her hips. It was Bridgit's body that first broke the stride. Suddenly, her hips froze the rhythm and then started to jerk up and down very fast, thrusting her cunt more fiercely over Dax's huge organ. Her greasy pussy was endeavoring to swallow his cock whole and keep it in the greedy clutch of her vaginal muscles. She screamed in jolts. The fierce clutch of her wet cunt on his cock was too much for him to take. His back stiffened and arched while his cock attempted to find new depths. Very soon his cock pole began to erupt furiously into Bridgit's tight, hairy cunt hole. They slipped into sleep almost immediately afterward. The next morning when Dax awoke, Bridgit was gone. He found a note on hotel stationary wherein she excused herself and told him that she hoped to see him again soon. Dax read the note as he tried to blink away his sleep. He rolled around the bed remembering the wonderful evening. After a time of lovely thought, he got up and took a shower. He dressed and went down to the dining room to have some breakfast. When he returned, the red message light was flashing on his phone. He called down to the desk to find that there was a message for his to call Don. After speaking with Don, it was decided that they would again meet this afternoon at about two o'clock. Dax had brought his lap top computer with him and was able to get a little writing in. He also wiled away part some of the day shopping and reading. He was anxious to meet with Don and Donna to see what other successes they could achieve. Two o'clock soon arrived and shortly thereafter there came a knock at the door. Dax went to the door and opened it with a smile. Donna's brown eyes were staring into his own, and Don was standing just behind her. "Please do come in," Dax said as he stepped aside. "Did you have a good evening last night?" Don hastened to respond, "I don't think we ever had such an exciting day in our lives. When we got home we continued to talk about the experience and conducted several experiments ourselves. Donna was able to have several dreams. I merely watched, and it was a very hot time. I was also able to use the post-hypnotic suggestion "Beta" to give her multiple minor orgasms. It served as a remarkable addition to our regular foreplay," said Don. Donna seemed a little embarrassed by the descriptive narrative. Dax explained that it was now Don's turn to experience the trance state. Don was asked to take a seat, and they got immediately under way. Dax helped Don relax through a method that requires the subject to flex and relax various parts of his body. Soon Don was completely relaxed, and Dax began speaking softly and clearly. After a short while Don was in the trance state. Dax continued to work with him and deepen the trance. In the minutes that passed, Dax taught Don how to use auto-hypnosis to hallucinate visually. He was able to change the sight, sound, taste and feel of his partner. His post-hypnotic suggestion was precipitated by the words "hypnosex partner." When he said of heard the words "come back" all of his senses would return to normal. He was also given the suggestion that when ever he heard the words "rock-hard cock," he would get an immediate erection. He was also told that when he said of hear the words, "relax it," his erection would subside. Dax woke him up slowly, assuring him that he would feel wonderful and well rested. As Don opened his eyes his head dropped to his hands. When asked how he felt, he answered that he felt great and wanted to know how he did. He was told that he did very well and was now capable of doing some remarkable things. "Go ahead and try it out," said Donna. Don repeated, "hypnosex partner," and stared at Donna in shear surprise. He got up and walked over to her, putting his hands around her waist. His lips sought hers as his right hand dropped to the cleft of her buttocks. They were beginning to get carried away when Dax spoke the words, "come back." Don was shocked at who he found in his arms. "I almost feel guilty Donna. You were someone else. I was kissing someone else and feeling her ass," Don said in wonder. "Was it exciting?" Donna asked. Don assured her that it was and told Dax that it was unbelievable. "Rock-hard cock," were the next words out of Dax's mouth. Immediately the front of Don's pants developed a huge bulge. Don was again amazed. He couldn't believe that his penis could be this hard on demand. He wanted to know how this was possible. Dax went on to draw an analogy for them. He inquired as to whether or not Don ever woke up in the morning, not necessarily horny, with a huge stiff. Don told him that he had. Dax continued to explain that an erection was merely blood rushing into the penis. There is a part in the brain that directs blood to the penis upon arousal. The mind controls so many of our functions. It is a simple matter to control this when all conditions are right. He also explained that often men question themselves about impotence because even when they want to get an erection, they sometimes can't. They begin to question themselves. If you ever get an erection upon waking up in the morning, your mind was likely relaxed and thinking about sex. We all have mental images that can make us aroused. Sometimes we don't know exactly what they are. Don's cock remained hard as Dax explained. The words "relax it," were then spoken, and Don's erection began to go down. "Now, let's work with Donna some more. OK with you Donna," Dax asked. She responded in the affirmative and was asked to take a seat. She sat in the chair and was questioned about whether there was anything specific she wanted to learn how to do. She indicated to Dax that she was very impressed with what Don had been able to do, and she would like to be able to bring on hallucinations as well. Dax snapped his finger twice, and Donna's chin fell slowly to her chest in complete relaxation. He took her deeper and deeper into a wonderful sleep as he felt Don tap him on the shoulder. "Can she hear us?" Don asked. Dax indicated that she could hear unless directed not to. Don continued, "ask her not to hear our conversation so I can tell you something." Dax did this and urged Don to continue. Don said, "you know Dax, Donna and I spoke about quite a few things last night when we got home. At my urging, she told me that she would like to make it with another man but was afraid. She specifically said that she thought you were very sexy. Is there anything we could do to remove her anxiety about trying another man? I know I am ready to ignore jealousy. I trust her, but I want her to have it all. Do you find her desirable?" Dax assured him that, "she was indeed a very sexy woman. I think we can trade places in her mind, if you think she would like it." Don agreed. Dax spoke to Donna again, "you are now more deeply asleep than you have ever been before. When you awaken, Don will become Dax and Dax will be Don in every way. Dax will look like Don, sound like him, feel like him and taste like him. You will find yourself uncontrollably attracted to him and will need to feel him inside you. You will feel free to do anything with him that pleases you without regard for who else is in the room. In fact, because someone is watching you, you will become even more excited. When you hear me clap my hands twice, Dax and Don will again trade places and be themselves. you will remember noting until I clap my hands twice." Dax also gave her the suggestion that she will be able to change Don any time she wished, just as Don had learned. Dax told her that she would wake up very slowly, feeling wonderful and refreshed. Donna began to open her eyes slowly. "I really can't remember anything. Did it go well?" she asked and looked at Don. Don told her that everything went very well. She got up from the chair and moved toward Dax. "Honey, I don't really know why, but I have this uncontrollable urge to screw you eyes out. And oddly enough, I don't even care if Dax watches. What did you do to me Dax?" she asked of Don with an unusual sparkle in her brown eyes. Dax opened his arms as Donna fell into them with her mouth partially open. Don sunk into a chair next to the table with a curious look on his face. Dax looked over at him and Don nodded his head, giving authority to proceed. Dax could see Don's hand fall upon his already hard cock as his hands began to explore Donna's full breasts. Donna stepped back and removed her top in one quick motion. She tore at the button to Dax's shirt. Soon they were all but naked. Only her panties remained as she returned to Dax's embrace, rubbing her pubic mound against his leg. Don settled back and unzipped his trousers. His thick cock as withdrawn, and he stroked its length as his eyes watched every move of Donna and her lover. Dax reached his hand inside of Donna's pink panties on to the swell of her buttocks. Squeezing the wonderfully textured flesh of her fanny gave Dax all the more reason to become harder. Donna dipped in to his shorts, and her hand felt its length increase. The aroma of this lovely woman rose to meet Dax's nostrils. She felt the cream beginning to seep from the eye of his steel-like hammer. Panties and shorts were removed in speedy unison as they fell to the bed. Don was now stroking his huge cock more quickly. His balls were being tortured by his zipper. He stood up and removed his pants and shorts, continuing to beat his meat. Each time he stroked his cock, he saw something else that drove him crazy. Dax's hands were filled with breast flesh. He lowered his head to suck on the pert nipples and tweaked them softly with his teeth. Donna's groans were now music to Don's ears. Another man had his fingers in her pussey. Dax would pull the slick covered fingers from her gushing hold and rub the button of her ass hole. Moving slowly down from her nipples, Dax began kissing the swell of her belly, biting her lightly on the hip bones. This made her jump half way off the bed. She grabbed Dax's head and tried to push him into her hair-covered cunt. He resisted and continued his efforts slowly. His tongue traveled all around her love box, teasing the soft hairs and licking her thighs. Closer and closer his lips came to her love button. In a quick motion, Donna moved toward Dax's raging penis. Her lovely lips opened and she slid the length of Dax's cock into her mouth, sucking hard. Up and down this immense shaft her mouth moved. Don could see the trail of his wife's saliva on this man's thick bone. Dax mouth suddenly opened and covered Donna's swollen cunt lips. His tongue drove deeply into her hole as he tasted her cunt honey. He sucked on her clit, bringing into full hardness. It was like a small spear between his hungry lips. Don's eyes were glued to them as he saw breasts moving like jello and buttocks rippling in rhythm with their oral movements. Suddenly, Donna stiffened, pulled Dax's cock from her mouth momentarily, slammed it deep inside her throat and climaxed in Dax's mouth. She poured her love juices into Dax's sucking mouth as her hips gyrated quickly against his cum-covered face. It seemed like it would last forever. Finally, her buttocks began to slow down. Her screams were muffled by the enormous bone in her throat. They too subsided. Dax was still very stiff as Donna removed him from her mouth. "Would you mind if we took a small break so I can have something to drink honey?" she asked. "Not at all Donna," Dax responded as he looked at Don and rolled his eyes. Donna looked over at Don with surprise as she saw his erect penis in his hands. "Ya know Dax, I don't really blame you. I guess we did get out of hand a little. It seems that Don and I have really turned you on from the looks of it. Now that is a thing to be proud of," she said with a smile, about his cock, reaching for a water glass. Don felt a little self-conscious as he let his cock fall from his hands. Dax and Don both watched the sway of Donna's buttocks and breasts as she walked slowly across the room with her water. Her entire body was a deep pink with exertion. She returned to Dax on the bed and offered him a sip. He took it gratefully. "Don, it seems like forever since I've seen another man's penis, and Dax's is great looking, don't you think?" Donna said. Dax responded, "well, I really don't get into dicks with the possible exception of my own, but I'm glad you like it." "You're not jealous honey?" Donna asked of Dax as she settled back into his arms. Her breasts flowed into the hollow of Dax's chest as she offered Don a view of her pink buttocks, her eyes searching for Don's cock. Dax said, "no Donna, I'm not jealous. In fact it would excite me if you touched his cock. Dax said as he grinned over her head at Don. Don returned the grin and moved toward the bed. Donna rested the glass on the night stand as Don approached. Don's half-hard penis came within close proximity to her face. She began to reach up to touch it and stopped to look at Dax. He nodded his support, and she again reached for Don's cock. It took very little for Don's cock to rise again. She stared up at Don in a sheepish manner and began to stroke it. Dax's hand cupped one of her ample breasts as Don stepped closer. Don reached out and ran his fingers through her hair slowly, urging her lips nearer his now huge rod. Donna could see the fluid at the tip of Don's cock. She turned her ass to Dax and took the first few inches of Don's thick bone in her mouth. Donna took more and more of Don's penis into her mouth as Don saw Dax begin to manipulate Donna's hairy pussey. Dax then got on his knees and brought Donna to hers. Donna moved without loosing her grip on Don's penis. She reached around and grabbed Don's buttocks and pulled him deeper into her mouth. Dax moved behind Donna running his hands over her rounded ass cheeks. His hand dipped down into the crack of her ass and collected some of her juices. He raised his hand to his nostrils to savor the aroma of her womanhood. He stroked his bone into full erection as he placed saliva in his hand and applied it between her bush to Donna's cunt lips. Aiming the arrow of his shaft at her gaping love tunnel, Dax eased his huge cock into Don's wife. He slowly worked his penis into her body until her could see the button of Donna's ass hole press against his hairy belly. He started to move in and out of her hole. Faster and faster his slick bone drove home. His balls were bouncing off of Donna's clit increasing her excitement. Dax could take no more as his eyes riveted on his juice-covered cock splitting her cunt hairs as it drove into this musky tunnel. Her beautiful ass cheeks were in his hands wobbling wonderfully. It was too exciting. He began to grunt. As she felt him stiffen inside of her squeezing sheath, she mashed her buttocks into his thighs to gain deeper penetration. Don was now driving his tool with increased fervor inside of his wife's sucking mouth. With the beauty of this rare moment, Donna felt both lovers go off at once. Gobs of thick cream were pouring into her slippery cunt hole. Don's jism squirted hotly into her sucking mouth. Her mind was spinning as she experienced one of the most earth-shaking climaxes in her memory. She collapsed beneath both men. All three participants remained motionless for quite some time. It was Dax that first got up from the bed and went into the bath room. He washed up and returned to the room with his trousers on. He poured himself a drink and took a seat at the table. Don said, "is there any more of that? I think I need a drink too." Dax poured Don a drink and delivered it to bed side. Donna had the most wonderful smile on her face. She soon got up and moved toward the bath room. Dax thought how sexy this woman was. He asked Don after Donna was out of ear shot, "Do you feel OK about this Don?" "I'll tell you the truth, I do have some guilt feelings about it. I think they will go away with too much problem. I am concerned about Donna. How do you think she will fair?" asked Don. "Well, there's only one way to find out. We still have to change back remember?" stated Dax as Donna returned to the room. "Change back to what?" Donna quizzed while returning to "Dax on the bed. Dax responded first, "Donna, how do you feel about everything that has happened?" "I feel great. I have never felt so sexy. I have never had such a good climax. I don't really think I feel guilty, and now I am sure that I wouldn't be jealous if you made love to another woman either Don," Donna said. "I am not Don," Dax stated as he clapped his hands twice. Donna had a look on her face as if she didn't know where she was. Her head turned from one to the other and back again. "Holy christ! Holyyyyyyy chrissssst! You two switched places. Don do you mean that I was making love to Dax before I you agreed to let me touch his cock?" Donna asked incredulously. "That's it honey. You wanted to. You said that you wanted to. I wanted you to. I know that he did. Everything happened the way it should have, and I love you more than ever. Please tell me you enjoyed it and you're not feeling bad," Don pleaded. Donna was comfortable with the events of the day. Twice before they left she experimented with making love to two of her favorite actors. Once she made it with both of them. Dax was not really sure whether Don was making love with anyone in particular. He knew that he could if he wanted to. Dax felt great about what he was able to do for Don and Donna as well as for himself. This was one of the hottest long weekends he had ever had. They agreed to do this again one day, and Dax hoped that he would have a chance to see Bridgit again also.